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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Planet Wisdom

okay, so a few weekends ago, I went with my church youth group to this AMAZING conference called Planet Wisdom. They're taking a tour of the country, I think, and I really suggest going to them; and also, bring a friend. I wish i had brought a few non-christian friends. Anyway, their speaker was Mark Matlock, who has also written some books. Google him. He was a great leader. The band who played was called Dutton, and they were amazing. (if your wondering where they got the name 'Dutton', it's the name of the street on which the church that they all met on was called). Also, THE SKIT GUYS WERE THERE!!! If you've never heard of them, then you could look them up on youtube, but the sound quality isn't as good as it is if you actually saw them. They are really funny, and they do some improvising on the spot. They're really good at getting God's messages through in a funny and enjoyable way.

the whole message was about unlikey heroes, and it talked about:
Session 1- the heroes journey
Session 2- accepting the call
Session 3- forces that guide us-part 1
Session 4- forces that guide us-part 2
Session 5- living the journey

I'll go over each of the Sessions on here, by using the devotional journal they gave us. If you already missed Planet Wisdom in your area, or you can't afford it (cuz it does cost some money), then you can follow along here. I'll post each session about once a week.

here's a link for their website;

(if it doesn't work, copy and paste it in the URL thingy.)
