
Welcome! Everyone and anyone is welcome here, no matter what. This is a place where everyone of every race, shape, size, color, religion, or anything is welcome. Here, you will not be put down because of your beliefs, or customs, but welcomed with open arms. Here, we demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Thank you for coming!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

HAPPY EASTER EVERY ONE!!! (perhaps a little late)

sorry that this was a little late. on Easter Sunday, i just fooled around on the computer and just started this post, but then i had to get off. last night the internet died on me, so i had to do this now. SORRY!! :(

So as you may or may not know, today is Easter Sunday. Today is the day that we are to celebrate our Lord and Savior's resurrection from the dead after three days. Three days earlier, Jesus was beaten and hung on the cross by the evil people of the time. The Bible says in Isasiah 53, that Jesus was beaten beyond recognition. So if you think he was horribly beaten in the movie called The Passion, then you should imagine that at least ten times worse.

Now you must realize that He did this to save us from our sins as human beings. i don't care who you are, you're a sinner. God wanted us to come to Heaven with him, so he sent his only Son down onto earth as a human, to be born of the virgin Mary. Now, Jesus may have become human, but he never sinned at all on his time on earth. He was absolutely perfect, and was spreading the word of God to everywhere he could reach. The only way for our sins to be forgiven so we could go to heaven (the punishment of sin is death), was for him, Jesus, to suffer for all of everyones sins on the cross. He suffered, and died. on the third day after his death, he rose again, defeating death and Satan completely. This is his free and eternal gift into heaven, and I suggest that you accept it.

Remember, God loves you, no matter who you are. He made you that way, so are perfect in his eyes.

(I'd have some Bible verses in here, except I don't have my Bible currently. Sorry!!)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Cross

I know that I just started this blog today, but then my dad took me to go see this movie called The Cross. It is a Christian documentary about this guy named Arthur Blessitt. He was called by the Lord to take a 12 foot wooden cross, and travel the world, preaching the good news of Jesus. He has visited every country in the world, and traveled on foot, carrying his cross with him through wars, jungles, deserts, and even Antarctica. he has walked the equivalent of walking around the earth at the equator one and a half times. he started in LA, and from there, walked all over the world, reaching out to people in countries that have never heard of Jesus, and helped miraculous things happen. God has been REALLY watching over this guy, not even letting a misquito bite him (it died right before it would bite him on his hand). Arthur was arrested 24 times, the first being for shaking a black mans hand in Mississippi. And every american says that america doesn't have issues. (I'm american, and I think that we are horrible to the rest of the world.) it really spoke to me, and suggest to everyone to see it. google it, and see if it's playing near you (select theaters). i think that it could really change your life, even if your Christian already.

Planet Wisdom

okay, so a few weekends ago, I went with my church youth group to this AMAZING conference called Planet Wisdom. They're taking a tour of the country, I think, and I really suggest going to them; and also, bring a friend. I wish i had brought a few non-christian friends. Anyway, their speaker was Mark Matlock, who has also written some books. Google him. He was a great leader. The band who played was called Dutton, and they were amazing. (if your wondering where they got the name 'Dutton', it's the name of the street on which the church that they all met on was called). Also, THE SKIT GUYS WERE THERE!!! If you've never heard of them, then you could look them up on youtube, but the sound quality isn't as good as it is if you actually saw them. They are really funny, and they do some improvising on the spot. They're really good at getting God's messages through in a funny and enjoyable way.

the whole message was about unlikey heroes, and it talked about:
Session 1- the heroes journey
Session 2- accepting the call
Session 3- forces that guide us-part 1
Session 4- forces that guide us-part 2
Session 5- living the journey

I'll go over each of the Sessions on here, by using the devotional journal they gave us. If you already missed Planet Wisdom in your area, or you can't afford it (cuz it does cost some money), then you can follow along here. I'll post each session about once a week.

here's a link for their website;

(if it doesn't work, copy and paste it in the URL thingy.)
