
Welcome! Everyone and anyone is welcome here, no matter what. This is a place where everyone of every race, shape, size, color, religion, or anything is welcome. Here, you will not be put down because of your beliefs, or customs, but welcomed with open arms. Here, we demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Thank you for coming!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ted Dekker

You guys like to read, right? Yeah, Narnia is a classic Christian series. Some other books go in there too. But one author who totally kills them all with one book is Ted Dekker.

This guy is a super good writer. His books revolve around this man named Thomas Hunter, who dreams of another world. Only these dreams aren't dreams. They're dead serious real. When he falls asleep in this world, he wakes up in the other world, which is really earth two thousand years from now. In this world, he is just a normal guy until the dreams start. In his "dreams", he learns that a new vaccine that just came out here can be mutated into the worlds most deadly and lethal virus that can and will kill every one in the entire world in about thirty days unless a vaccine is produced. Unfortunately, most people don't believe random guys calling them, telling them that the Raison Vaccine (an airborne vaccine that is a cure to HIV, and other diseases, perfect for the third world) can mutate into this lethal and deadly disease that makes Ebola look like the hiccups. In this world, he's just trying to figure out how to make people believe him, and his super adventures to Thailand and the headquarters of Raison Pharmaceutical while an assassin tries to kill him. In the other world, he wakes up in the Black Forest. Not a fun place to wake up in. He finds the love of Elyon (God), and also the love of Rachelle, who helps find him. This earths history with Adam and Eve seems to repeat itself as the firstborn there, Tanis, drinks the forbidden water of Teeleh (Satan). The world erupts into chaos. Now Thomas must fend for himself, and all the other survivors of chaos. He follows Elyon into the desert and finds the Green Forests, where they will now dwell. Now they fight the Horde (people who do not bathe in Elyon's given lakes and have developed a serious scabbing disease and worship Teeleh), until hope comes.

I hope I didn't spoil most of it. The Circle Series starts with either Green or Black, your choice. Green is a book that ends the series, but also begins it. You can start with it, or end with it. The other books, Black, Red, and White, just continue the circle.

Other books by Dekker, still about the Circle, but not part of the series, is the Lost Books series. You'll learn about the Lost Books of History in the Circle Series, but these books are about the people who find the books. I haven't read the entire series yet, but they're just as good as the Circle.

Remember, this is fiction. We're not all going to die from the Raison Strain. Don't freak.


Prayers please!

Hey everyone!!! I really need your support, love, and prayers right now. My mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and right now she's in the hospital with a staff infection. Hopefully, she'll be out tomorrow, but who knows? Can you guys pray for her, and also that she becomes a believer, because she's not right now. Your prayers are very appreciated. Thank you!!!



I just realized something. The booklet I'm getting this from is copyrighted. I'm sorry everybody, but I'm not going to be able to keep using this, and I'll have to delete the other post. I'm sorry. I'll think of other things to post on here. Don't worry. I'll be back. Thanks for understanding...
